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Why do cats hate closed doors?




If you've ever witnessed a cat in front of a closed door, you might notice how much they seem to be annoyed by it. They might poke a furry arm under the crack, begin to paw at the door or even attack it while letting out agitated meows. But why do cats seem to hate closed doors so much?

Both evolution and Pet owners themselves play a role, experts say.

Part of it is that cats are curious and have a fear of missing out (FOMO), said Dr. Karen Sueda, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist.

​​"It is a little bit of FOMO," Sueda told Live Science. "The FOMO of like, 'I don't know what's on the other side, and I want to go see and figure it out.'"

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Cats are naturally curious creatures, and they like to keep an eye on everything happening in their territory, which includes their owner's house. This control helps keep them alive in the wild, but it can lead to behaviors we might interpret as odd, like attacking a door.

"Cats like to control access to spaces and vital basic needs and territory," cat behavior consultant Ingrid Johnson told Live Science. "It doesn't make them mean. It doesn't make them anything other than a species that is both predator and prey that has to hunt to survive but also has to feel safe and secure in their environment."
