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Watch derpy robots show off their soccer skills thanks to new AI training method




Scientists have trained miniature humanoid robots to play soccer using a new artificial intelligence (AI) training method — and footage shows the robots demonstrating their skills in a one-on-one Game.

In the short clips, two bipedal robots play several games in which one is attacking a goal and the other is defending it. 

They kick the ball around, block shots and scurry across the pitch — all while waving their arms and falling over in the process. But at least they try to maintain their balance and recover quickly after a fall. 

It might not look like it at first, but they're also playing highly strategically — learning how the ball moves and anticipating their opponent's next moves as they try to outwit and outpace them, the scientists said in a study published April 10 in the journal Science Robotics.

Google DeepMind scientists trained their miniature Robotis OP3 robots to play soccer using a technique called "deep reinforcement learning." (Image credit: Google Deepmind)

Humanoid robots are difficult to configure because every movement needs to be programmed — which requires scientists to compile enormous amounts of data. Many modern humanoid robots, however, have been given a helping hand thanks to AI. Self-learning, thanks to AI, would mean robots wouldn't need ever single motion and movement pre-scripted or programmed. For example, the Figure 01 robot can learn by just watching video — with scientists previously teaching it to make coffee by showing it just 10 hours of training footage.  

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In the new study, Google DeepMind scientists trained their miniature Robotis OP3 robots to play soccer using a technique called "deep reinforcement learning." This is a machine learning training technique that combines several different AI training methods. 
