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This is a lovely little yellow bee that always brings joy to everyone, making everyone who sees it full of positive energy for the new day.




There is a baby named Tony, small and adorable like a hard-working yellow bee. With sparkling eyes, Tony always radiates innocence and joy every time he smiles.

Like a yellow bee that is agile in collecting honey, Tony is also always active and hard-working in every job. Whether it’s just arranging blocks or coloring a picture, Tony always devotes himself with a eagerness to learn and endless creativity.


In addition, Tony also has a warm and compassionate heart, always willing to share and help friends. Just like the yellow bee takes care of the hive, Tony always cares and helps those around him.

With his adorable appearance and hard-working personality, Tony is not only a source of joy for his family but also a great source of encouragement and inspiration for everyone around him.
