A decision by New York State authorities to euthanize Peanut, an internet-famous squirrel beloved for his social media antics, has...
In Northeast Ohio, there’s been talk lately about this unusual and intriguing critter that resembles a hybrid between a skunk and...
A father captured a series of extraordinary photographs of a rare albino squirrel outside his home. Richard Waugh, 51, was thrilled...
But X-ray scans have revealed that this grapefruit-sized lump is a 30,000-year-old mummified ground squirrel from the ice age. A gold...
A 23-year-old Venezuela man is preparing to say goodbye to a pet squirrel he says he brought from his home country on a journey to...
In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to forget about the smaller creatures that share our planet. However, a recent heartwarming...