In a remarkable discovery that has captured the imagination of many, residents recently stumbled upon a colossal whale fossil nestled...
This year, around 2,000 students were arrested on college campuses at the behest of their own institutions’ leaders. And it was not...
A Chinese мan has spent six years Ƅuilding his dreaм мountaintop ʋilla – on top of a Beijing apartмent Ƅlock. Eccentric...
A luxury hoмe has Ƅeen listed for $8.8мillion on a tiny island in Hawaii that is мostly owned Ƅy Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison. The...
Pawtucket Community Meeting schedule announced for all 6 districts To promote more open dialogue between the City of Pawtucket and...
At residential care home in Luton, Bedfordshire, the resident’s regular furry, four-legged visitor – Winnie – has had a lovely...
In a surprising turn of events, a crocodile measuring over 3 meters in length displayed remarkable courage as it crawled onto the shores...
In a surprising turn of events, a crocodile measuring over 3 meters in length displayed remarkable courage as it crawled onto the shores...
Icelandic police have advised anyone entering Grindavík to exercise extreme caution and warned there is a danger of cracks opening...
In the absence of government aid, Acapulco’s desperate residents have cleaned out the city’s largest stores in three daysACAPULCO,...
Groups of angry, desperate residents began blocking the only entrances to the hurricane ravaged resort of Acapulco to demand food and...
A day after Hurricane Otis roared ashore in Acapulco, unleashing massive floods and setting off looting, the resort city of nearly...
An explosion at a crowded gas station in Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh region has killed at least 20 people and injured nearly...
Lahaina residents will return home to destruction for the first time after deadly Maui wildfires.For the first time since the deadly...
West Maui is set to reopen for tourism on Oct. 8, sparking outrage from residents.West Maui, an area devastated by wildfires that ravaged...
Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson have committed $10 million to make direct payments to people on Maui who are unable to return to their...
Japan's population has declined in all of its 47 prefectures for the first time in a record drop, while its population of foreign...
The search for a rodeo goat that has been missing for more than a week has the residents of a rural South Texas county enthralled as...