Bizarre deep-sea creatures known as comb jellies can fuse together when they are injured, creating a single massive individual with...
The deep sea is home to weird and wonderful creatures that, over millions of years, have evolved specific traits to survive the extreme...
Potato-size metallic nodules strewn across the Pacific Ocean seafloor produce oxygen in complete darkness and without any help from...
A rescue dog terrified of water has become a deep-sea diver and allegedly beat the Guinness World Record for canine diving. Bjorn Schembri,...
Scientists have captured stunning video of a female deep-sea squid cradling unusually large eggs in her tentacles. The footage, taken...
The discovery of the adorable “Piggy Squid” by scientists during a deep-sea expedition more than 1,000 miles south of Hawaii,...
Scientists have discovered a new species of rosy-colored deep-sea worm 30 miles (50 kilometers) off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The...
Mesmerizing footage has captured a weird bioluminescent worm undulating through the twilight zone.Researchers from the Schmidt Ocean...
Scientists found a new deep-sea octopus nursery 2,800 meters below sea level off Costa Rica.A deep-sea octopus nursery, just the third...
Α Southerп Ϲaliforпia beachgoer receпtly iпtercepted a “weird-lookiпg” creature kпowп as a Footballfish while strolliпg...
Α Southerп Ϲaliforпia beachgoer receпtly iпtercepted a “weird-lookiпg” creature kпowп as a Footballfish while strolliпg...