In 2021, a driver in Albuquerque, New Mexico, ran a red light, striking and killing a 7-year-old and injuring his father. The suspect...
In a move reminiscent of the sci-fi thriller Minority Report, Argentina’s security forces have unveiled an unprecedented plan...
Joey Graziadei, is that you? The “Bachelor” star, 29, opted to switch up his hairstyle for the summer, shaving off his long...
After a historic spike in homicides in 2020, murder rates in most U.S. cities appear to be returning to pre-pandemic levels. This drop...
On Feb. 23, 2024, Daqua Lameek Ritter was found guilty of a hate crime for the murder of Dime Doe, a transgender woman from South Carolina...
In the atmospheric murky realms of the true crime genre the punchy and profound Buried Bones podcast has hooked aficionados with its...
Well, color me swiftly scuttled like a Downton Abbey dinner gala upended by a grisly murder! 2024’s Root of Evil podcast is spinning...
Dive headfirst, fellow TV enthusiasts, into the enthralling world of Crazy, Not Insane, an exploration so chilling, it might make Mindhunter...
Related Articles Horror Classic Gets a Prequel read full article at April 4, 2024 Origin Story of the iconic 1976 original...
The Delinquents evaluate – comedian twist on basic crime saga About Little White Lies Little White Lies was established in 2005 as...
In a case of what prosecutors described as “gross negligence,” a Michigan jury convicted James Crumbley on charges of involuntary...
Lockbit, a notorious cybercrime gang that holds its victims' data to ransom, has been disrupted in a rare international law enforcement...
An Illinois man has pleaded not guilty in the fatal stabbing of a 6-year-old Muslim boy in the Chicago suburb of Plainfield, Illinois. An...
Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6-year-old Palestinian boy who was stabbed to death at his Illinois home, loved all people and "loved to share...
Australian authorities have charged seven people with helping launder hundreds of millions of dollars for a Chinese crime syndicateMELBOURNE,...
The U.S. Postal Service says law enforcement officials have charged more than 600 people with postal crimes since launching a crackdown...
The mother of Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6-year-old Palestinian boy who was fatally stabbed in an alleged hate crime, urged the public to...
Incomplete homicide autopsy reports continue to pile up in Mississippi even as state leaders have touted tough-on-crime governance...