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Days Of The Year

National Random Acts of Light Day (June 13th)




In the United States, more than 1.3 million people are living with blood cancers and every day dozens of new patients are diagnosed. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world’s largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting blood cancers, finding a cure, and also providing support to those patients and their families who are affected by blood cancers. 

National Random Acts of Light Day is just one way that the LLS has come up with to raise awareness, show support and work toward creating a world without blood cancers!

History of National Random Acts of Light Day

While the first event was celebrated in 2017, the Random Acts of Light movement got its start a year prior through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Random Acts of Light program, through the help of celebrities, offers experiences for blood cancer patients and survivors to encourage them and lift their spirits. From country music stars to professional wrestlers, different celebrities have been involved with encouraging blood cancer patients and survivors, all while increasing awareness and support.

The purpose behind the founding of National Random Acts of Light Day is to raise awareness and help educate the public with knowledge and information about the critical need for support and funding research for those affected by blood cancers. In addition, the hope is to encourage everyone to be a small light in the difficult times of a blood cancer patient or survivor. This event works in tandem with Light the Night Events as well as Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Day. 

How to Celebrate National Random Acts of Light Day

While National Random Acts of Light Day may have been started with celebrities, it can absolutely be celebrated by everyone! Check out and consider implementing some of these important ideas for celebrating this day:

Perform Random Acts of Light

This event encourages anyone and everyone to get involved with being a light in the darkness that is cast by blood cancer. Those who know a blood cancer patient or survivor might consider observing Random Acts of Light Day by:

  • sending a note or card of encouragement 
  • taking them out for a pampering session like a massage or manicure
  • gifting them with tickets to a sporting event to cheer for their favorite team
  • bringing a meal or homemade cookies while at home or in the hospital 

Share Random Acts of Light Day with Others

Anyone and everyone can use their personal iNFLuence to let more people know about Random Acts of Light Day. Take a photo of a friend surprised by a random act of light, share some statistics about blood cancers provided by LLS, or invite the community to participate in an upcoming Light the Night event.

Raise Support for LLS

An excellent way to get involved with celebrating National Random Acts of Light Day is to become a beacon of light into the community through financial support. Individuals can make a donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for research or, even better, host an event that raises support and awareness throughout the community. 
