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Miracle Kitten Somehow Survives — Now He Takes His First Steps In His Wheelchair




Cassidy was a tiny feral kitten who lost both back legs at birth and somehow managed to survive nine weeks in the forest all alone. With such a severe injury, it’s a miracle he survived a day out there, let alone nine weeks!

By the time he was rescued by Tiny Kittens Society, his body was badly infected and the poor thing was starving. But it turned out this little kitty was quite the fighter! YAY!

With the perfect theme song playing in the background, this video shows us as Cassidy takes his very first unassisted steps in his brand new wheelchair. And just to warn you, it’s the most precious and heartwarming thing you’ll see today!

Thanks to Mountain View Veterinary Hospital for giving Cassidy a second chance at life and Andrew at for making his tiniest wheelchair yet. 🙂 Doesn’t this make your whole body smile?

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