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Horrifying photo captures moment parasitic fungus bursts from huge spider's body




The large spider was found with a parasitic fungus bursting through its body. (Image credit: Roberto García-Roa)

A rare image has captured the moment a huge spider is "defeated" and engulfed by a parasitic fungus, with spores bursting from the arachnid's back, legs and head 

The striking photo is one of the winning images from the BMC Ecology and Evolution photography competition. The picture, taken by evolutionary biologist Roberto García-Roa, was named runner-up in the Plants and Fungi category. 

"While it is not uncommon to encounter insects parasitized by 'zombie' fungi in the wild, it is a rarity to witness large spiders succumbing to these fungal conquerors," García-Roa wrote in a BMC Ecology and Evolution editorial released Friday (Aug. 18). "In the jungle, near a stream, lies the remains of a conquest shaped by thousands of years of evolution." 

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Many species of fungus are known to parasitize spiders, and instances of parasites bursting from the bodies of dead arachnids have been recorded across the globe. Most species belong to the Cordycipitaceae and Ophiocordycipitaceae families. The species of spider and fungus in García-Roa's image are not known, but the fungus appears to have entered its host and taken over the spider's body.

The winner of the Plants and Fungi category showed a zombie ant being parasitized by another fungus.  (Image credit: João Araújo)

The BMC Ecology and Evolution photography comPetition invites researchers from around the world to put forward images that capture the natural world. The winning entry in the Plants and Fungi category shows an ant that had been taken over by a zombie fungusOphiocordyceps — which was, in turn, parasitized by another fungus. Ophiocordyceps is a genus of parasitic fungi known for its ability to turn ants into zombies, controlling their bodies before killing them.

"The forests these fungi inhabit are also shared with mycoparasitic fungal lineages that can parasitize, consume and even castrate Ophiocordyceps," João Araújo, a mycologist at the New York Botanical Garden who submitted the category-winning photo, wrote in the editorial. "Only recently scientists have started to catalogue and describe these still unknown fungi that can kill other fungi."
