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Desperate Animal Trapped In Soccer Net Locks Eyes With Unsuspecting Mom




Time was of the essence …

Typically, the only thing you want tangled in your soccer net is, well, a soccer ball. But recently, one Australian mom noticed something much stranger wriggling in her son’s net.

Walking over to get a closer look, the woman locked eyes with a distressed possum who was hopelessly stuck in the thin black fabric.

In need of expert assistance, the woman called WIRES Wildlife Rescue for help.

Luckily, WIRES rescuers have dealt with similar situations before. It turns out, possums are known for getting themselves in sticky situations.

“Possums are very inquisitive Animals, and WIRES is called to rescue them from all manner of situations ranging from netting entanglements, to [getting] stuck in stormwater pipes, inside people’s roofs and even one with its head stuck in a glass jam jar after raiding someone’s garbage,” a WIRES representative told The Dodo.

Rescuers nimbly untangled the possum, using scissors to snip away the strings from around his limbs.

Free at last, the possum was unharmed — just a bit annoyed.

Rescuers moved the possum to a carrier, where he enjoyed snacking on fruit. Later, rescuers released the possum back to his natural habitat. Watching him bound away, the WIRES team felt glad to see the fluffy animal back where he belongs.

Possums aren’t the only Animals falling prey to netting. According to WIRES, many other vulnerable species — including flying foxes, bats and birds — find themselves trapped every day. If farmers and community members do their part to watch out for dangerous netting, Animals like these will be much happier.

“This heartwarming rescue is a crucial reminder [to always] check your nets and consider alternative, wildlife-friendly options,” WIRES wrote in a Facebook post. “Let’s continue to be vigilant and make choices that protect our wildlife!”
