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Cranston City Councilor, Nicole Renzulli (R): Pay special attention when parties are unbalanced




RINewsToday received this from Nicole Renzulli, citywide councilwoman on the Cranston City Council on her decision not to run for re-election:

Dear Friends and Neighbors of Cranston,

Today, I am announcing a decision that has weighed heavily on my heart. After much reflection an
prayer, I have decided not to seek re-election as your City Wide Councilwoman. This wasn’t an
impulsive or easy decision by any means, but it wasn’t something I planned either. Throughout my
tenure, I have continuously assessed whether I am effective in my role and sought ways to improve
how I serve you. Recently, it has become increasingly clear to me that I may be better able to serve
the community I love from outside the political realm.

When I first stepped into this role in 2020, I did so not as a career politician, but as a concerned
parent, a dedicated public servant, and a problem solver. I pledged to be “Your Choice for a New
Voice,” and I’ve strived every day to honor that commitment. Whether it was scrutinizing our city’s
budget, demanding greater transparency and accountability, or addressing neighborhood concerns,
I’ve been your fearless advocate.

Throughout my tenure, I’ve faced challenges head-on, often swimming against the tide of political
convenience. I’ve lost sleep over tough decisions, asked the tough questions no one wanted to
answer, fought battles alone even when they seemed unwinnable, and stood firm in my convictions,
even when it wasn’t popular. Why? Because you, the people of Cranston, deserved nothing less than
my unwavering dedication.

But public service comes at a cost, and it’s a cost my family has borne with me. My children have
grown up watching their mother serve this community. They’ve stood proudly by my side at flag
raisings, parades, ribbon cuttings, and countless meetings and events. They’ve shared me with this
city we all love. Now, as they grow older, they need more of my undivided attention. They’ve asked for
it, and I’m answering that call, because at the end of the day, our families are our most important

I will continue to be a vocal advocate for Cranston, supporting Mayor Hopkins and our Republican
ticket in their efforts to keep our city on the right track. I believe in their vision for a fiscally
responsible, safe, and prosperous Cranston, and I’ll work tirelessly behind the scenes to advance
these shared goals.

To the incredible city employees I’ve had the privilege to work with, especially those in Parks & Rec,
the Clerk’s Office, and the Mayor’s Office – thank you. Your dedication to our city is unparalleled. To
our Police and Fire Departments, whose unwavering support has been a cornerstone of my tenure –
your service makes Cranston safer and stronger every day.

To the small Business owners who form the bacKBOne of our local economy – your resilience,
especially during Covid and continued challenging times, has been nothing short of inspirational. I’ve
been honored to support and collaborate with you, and I’ll continue to be your champion.

And to my constituents – even those who have challenged me most fiercely – I am profoundly grateful.
Each interaction, each debate, each shared concern has made me a better public servant and a
stronger advocate for our community. Solving your problems, big and small, has been the most
rewarding aspect of this job.

As I move forward, I need each of you to commit to staying engaged. Hold your leaders accountable.
Pay attention to what is going on, especially when the parties are uNBAlanced. The future of Cranston is too important to leave in the hands of those who prioritize power over people.

Let’s be honest, politics isn’t for the faint of heart. I’ve lost more battles than I’ve won, but I’ve never
regretted being in the arena. Now, I’ll be fighting from a different angle, free from the confines of
politics. So make no mistake – stepping away from elected office isn’t stepping back. It’s about
stepping up in new ways. It’s about reclaiming time with my family while finding fresh avenues to
make a difference.

In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the trust you’ve placed in me these past four
years. Serving as your City Wide Councilwoman has been one of the greatest honors of my life. While I
look forward to focusing on my family in the immediate future, don’t be surprised if you see my name
on the ballot again when my children are grown.
I hope to return to public service with even more
knowledge, life experience, and passion for our beloved Cranston.

Until then, let’s continue working together to make Cranston the best it can be. Our journey doesn’t
end here – it simply takes a new path.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless Cranston.

Nicole Renzulli

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