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Colorado Board of Education could shift against charter schools following Democratic primary




The Colorado State Board of Education will swing to a majority with a more critical eye toward charter schools after former Boulder Valley School District board president Kathy Gebhardt beat education consultant Marisol Rodriguez in the Democratic primary for the 2nd Congressional District seat Tuesday night.

As of 10:20 p.m., Gebhardt led with 56% of votes. The AP called the race in Gebhardt’s favor.

Rodriguez, whom Gov. Jared Polis had endorsed, sent out an email shortly after 9 p.m. Tuesday conceding the race to Gebhardt.

“While there are more votes to be counted, we don’t see a path to victory tonight,” she wrote.

Gebhardt’s victory came as a blow to charter school advocates, who spent nearly $1 million to help Rodriguez in the hopes of ensuring charter schools continue to receive full consideration from the state board when local districts reject their applications.

Under state law, the state Board of Education can reconsider charter school applications rejected by a local school board.

Charter schools — public schools managed by outside nonprofit operators that establish a performance contract often with a school district — are a divisive schooling option among many communities and parents and they comPete against traditional public schools for students and tax dollars. Some have also drawn scrutiny over curriculum decisions, often turning on sharp disagreements over how to address issues of sexuality, gender and race in the classroom.

Gebhardt still has to win the general election in November, but the 2nd District is a Democratic stronghold and she should cruise to victory. She has no Republican general election opponent.

Gebhardt will replace Democrat Angelika Schroeder, who is part of the board’s pro-charter school majority and is term-limited.

The 2nd Congressional District race had been widely perceived as a battleground for the future of charter schools, with a pro-charter school state-level super PAC called Progressives Supporting Teachers and Students committing hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of Rodriguez. 


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By late Tuesday afternoon, the group had spent about $871,000, compared with about $97,000 aimed at electing Gebhardt onto the state board.

“We’ve showed that money can’t buy an election and that our public still supports public education,” Gebhardt told The Colorado Sun over the phone while celebrating with a group of supporters at Velvet Elk Lounge in Boulder.

“I think people were upset by the dark money, and they wanted to show that democracy is still alive and well in the second congressional district and that people’s voices matter more than money,” said Gebhardt, noting that Polis called her to congratulate her.

Gebhardt previously told The Sun that she believes charter schools are “an essential part of our choice system.” She echoed that stance Tuesday night, saying she has never been anti-charter schools.

“I’m still not anti-charter,” she said. “I encourage (charter school advocates) if they have concerns to reach out to me so that we can partner to make sure we have the best education possible for our students.”

Among Gebhardt’s supporters is the Colorado Education Association, the state’s largest teachers union.

“Voters want candidates who are running for the people” over candidates backed by dark money and corporate interests, CEA President Amie Baca-Oehlert said.

CEA recommended Gebhardt for the seat, Baca-Oehlert added, “because she truly is somebody who has a lifetime of experience supporting public education.”

Despite Rodriguez’s loss, she said she remains proud of the election results.
