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Celtic Park Golden Status Draws in Fake Reviews From Petty Rival Fans




In a move that smacks of a little bit of desperation, some disgruntled Rangers fans have taken to TripAdvisor this week, to give Celtic Park one-star reviews. This comes hot on the heels of the stadium tour being crowned the best family-friendly day out in the world by TripAdvisor, a glowing accolade that has irked the blue half of Glasgow.

This fantastic feat follows last year’s triumph when the Celtic Park tour scooped a gold award as one of the top attractions in the UK. Now, Paradise stands proudly among the finest visitor experiences globally, a testament to the magic that the tour offers to Football fans and tourists.

Celtic Park opens its doors to the curious and the passionate, taking them behind the scenes to witness the grandeur of Celtic’s storied past. Guests get a peek at the club’s vast trophy collection, the home dressing room where legends have prepared for battle, the iconic players’ tunnel into the dugout area, and the prestigious Directors’ Box in the main stand.

Celtic Park

Every tour is a unique, guided by one of Celtic Park’s knowledgeable tour guides who are as passionate about the club as anyone.

The effort to tarnish Celtic Park’s reputation with spiteful reviews only highlights the Pettiness and envy that some Rangers fans harbour. Meanwhile, Celtic fans and visitors from all over continue to celebrate the club’s rich heritage and the unforgettable experience that the Paradise tour provides.

One Celtic fan on social media highlighted a Rangers fans real post of the Ibrox tour alongside his Celtic tour.

We’ve noticed over the past few days that Trip advisor appears to be deleting clearly fake reviews.

In the end, the numbers don’t lie. The world has recognised Celtic Park as a top-tier destination, and no amount of online sabotage can dim the shine of this cherished landmark. Bravo to Celtic for creating an experience that resonates so deeply with fans and tourists worldwide – an experience truly worthy of its golden status.
