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Blue dragon: The deadly sea slug that steals venom from its prey




Name: Blue dragon (Glaucus atlanticus)

Where it lives: Tropical and subtropical waters throughout the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans 

What it eats: Portuguese men o'war and other venomous Animals

Why it's awesome: This tiny sea creature, which grows up to 1.2 inches (3 centimeters) long, is a type of nudibranch, or sea slug. Also known as a sea swallow or blue angel, it has three sets of ornate "wings" — called cerata — that makes it look a bit like a Pokémon.

Its beautiful and otherworldly appearance is down to its Lifestyle. The blue dragon lives on the surface of the ocean, bobbing along using an air bubble in its stomach and the water's surface tension to keep it afloat. 

It floats upside down for better camouflage: The sea slug's bright blue coloring blends in with the surface of the water from above while its silvery-gray back looks like the sky from below.

The blue dragon feasts on venomous creatures including Portuguese men o'war (Physalia physalis), by-the-wind-sailors (Velella velella) and violet sea snails (Janthina janthina). 
