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Days Of The Year

Black Marriage Day (March 26th)



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In a bustling community center decorated with vibrant balloons and flowers, couples gather to celebrate Black Marriage Day.

Laughter fills the air as families and friends share stories of love and commitment. Outside, banners flutter, proclaiming “Count Your Marriage as Joy.” 

Inside, workshops offer advice on nurturing relationships, while joyful music invites couples to dance. This day shines a light on the strength and beauty of Black love, encouraging all to cherish and support the bonds that tie them together.

Black Marriage Day is a special occasion celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of March, which in 2024 falls on March 26.

This day is dedicated to celebrating the beauty and significance of marriage within the Black community. The Wedded Bliss Foundation, established by Nisa I. MuhaMMAd in 2001, played a crucial role in creating this day. 

The importance of Black Marriage Day lies in its focus on the positive aspects of marriage, including emotional support, consistent sexual intimacy, Healthy companionship, and the overall prosperity it brings to families.

It highlights the commitment of husbands and wives, emphasizing the values of trust and loyalty that are passed down through generations. 

History of Black Marriage Day

Black Marriage Day was created in 2003 by Nisa MuhaMMAd, who founded the Wedded Bliss Foundation to support and promote Healthy relationships and marriages within the Black community.

The day is celebrated annually on March 26, aiming to highlight marriage’s importance and foster strong, supportive relationships. Starting with just 30 cities, the celebration has expanded to over 300 communities across the United States.

Events vary widely, from vow renewals and workshops to community awards, all designed to uplift and honor the commitment of Black couples.

The initiative seeks to change cultural perceptions of marriage, encouraging more positive narratives and celebrating the joy, love, and unity found in committed partnerships.

How to Celebrate Black Marriage Day

Celebrations of Black Marriage Day take various forms, from local events hosted by faith-based and community groups to activities encouraging couples to spend quality time together, renew their vows, or show their support on social media. 

This day reminds us of the critical role marriage plays in building and maintaining strong families and communities.

It also addresses challenges such as declining marriage rates and high divorce rates in the Black community, aiming to reverse these trends by promoting positive images and stories of Black love and commitment​​​​.
