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Aww Pregnant Gorilla Gives Birth, Then Does The Most ‘Humanlike’ Thing To Her Baby




The birth of a baby is a truly a miraculous thing to witness, no matter which species.

When Calaya, a western lowland gorilla, gave birth to her first born, the miracle of birth was caught on camera for everyone to witness!

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Reproduction Live TV / via YouTube

Calaya gave birth to her son all by herself in her enclosure. The video below captures the true love of a mother when Calaya pulls her baby out of her womb and hugs and kisses him. This “humanlike” love Calaya showed toward her baby has won the hearts of millions of people who’ve watched this video.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Reproduction Live TV / via YouTube

We humans share 98% of our DNA with gorillas, and it’s no more clearer than in this video which shows a mother’s love for her newborn.

Gorillas are truly magnificent creatures, and we must do everything to ensure that they not only survive, but also thrive!

Click the video below to watch Calaya give birth to her first baby and then hug the baby!

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