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4t.KANELBULLAR – SWEDISH CINNAMON CAKE – simple way to make delicious food




Kanelbullar, or Swedish cinnamon buns, are a traditional and popular pastry in Swedish cuisine. These buns are not only delicious with their aromatic cinnamon filling but also symbolize warmth and coziness in Swedish culture. Here’s how to make these delightful cinnamon rolls:

Main Ingredients:

  1. Dough:
    • All-purpose flour
    • Warm milk
    • Butter
    • Sugar
    • Yeast
    • Ground cinnamon (optional)
  2. Cinnamon Filling:
    • Softened butter
    • Brown sugar
    • Cinnamon powder
  3. Topping (Optional):
    • Pearl sugar or chopped nuts

Baking Process:

  1. Preparing the Dough:
    • Mix flour, warm milk, melted butter, sugar, yeast, and ground cinnamon (if using) to create a soft and elastic dough. Allow the dough to rise until it doubles in size.
  2. Making the Cinnamon Filling:
    • Combine softened butter with brown sugar and cinnamon to create a flavorful and spreadable filling.
  3. Rolling the Buns:
    • Roll out the dough into a rectangular shape and spread the cinnamon filling evenly over the surface. Roll the dough into a log and cut it into individual buns.
  4. Second Rise:
    • Let the shaped buns rise for a second time until they become puffy and double in size.
  5. Baking:
    • Bake the buns in the oven until they turn golden brown, filling your kitchen with the irresistible aroma of cinnamon.
  6. Optional Topping:
    • Sprinkle pearl sugar or chopped nuts on top for an extra layer of sweetness and crunch.

Flavorful Experience:

  1. Aromatic Cinnamon Bliss:
    • The filling of butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon creates a heavenly aroma that permeates the buns.
  2. Soft and Fluffy Texture:
    • The dough, enriched with milk and butter, results in a soft, pillowy texture that melts in your mouth.

Cultural Significance:

  1. Symbol of Warmth:
    • Kanelbullar is often considered a symbol of warmth and coziness in Swedish culture.
  2. Popular during Festivals:
    • These buns often make an appearance during festivals and significant events, enhancing the festive atmosphere.


Swedish cinnamon buns are not just a delicious treat; they are a symbol of warmth and familiarity in Swedish culture. Each bite takes you on a journey through flavors, immersing you in the distinctive culinary landscape of this region.
