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Days Of The Year

National Table Shuffleboard Day (September 17th)



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Table Shuffleboard is a game involving pucks, where those pucks are pushed to the opposite end of a table with a scoring board to keep tables of points. This game, simple in its structure, is a past time for many people all over the world. National Table Shuffleboard Day aims to keep that tradition alive by helping people find an interest in a game and help them learn about the history of the game itself. If you’re curious about how the game was created, read more to learn about its history and how you can participate in this holiday.

History of National Table Shuffleboard Day

Founded by the shuffleboard manufacturer Zieglerworld in 2017, National Table Shuffleboard Day was created to honor the History of the Game. Shuffleboard originated in the 15th century in England when English peasants would slide coins down a table and a soon became a favorite household Game in Staffordshire, Winchester, and Wiltshire. Fun Fact: King Henry VIII banned the Game for is “addictive wickedness” until about the late 1600’s when the Game was brought the New World and the Game became popular in taverns. From there, the Game was played and discussed, as in one incident in 1848 when people were discussing whether or not it is a Game of chance or skill. This question was brought to a court in Pennsylvania and it was ruled as a Game of skills.

Later on, tournaments started popping up and it became compared to games such as baseball and prizefighting and grew to its heights in the 1950’s, where nationwide shuffleboard competitions would arise and be played in a competitive level. However, lack of funding and lack of uniformed rules led to the decrease in popularity in the 1960’s and 70’s. The 80’s brought a revival of the game to encourage young players to compete and keep playing the game and since been steadily growing since then. Zieglerworld aims to keep the popularity of the game going by manufacturing high-quality shuffleboards for people to use and created the holiday to honor this history.

How to celebrate National Table Shuffleboard Day

If you want to learn more about the Game itself, then find a local bar that has the Game and try learning how to play it. Watch national shuffleboard comPetition on the internet or on Tv and see the skill that the Game takes to be played. Share the holiday on social media using the hashtag #tableshuffleboardday to let everyone know what day it is.
