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Days Of The Year

National Stuffing Day (November 21st)



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My most memorable meal is every Thanksgiving. I love the food: the turkey and stuffing.

Douglas Conant

There is one thing that everyone waits for when the autumn season comes around, and while your first guess may be “the Turkey,” we guarantee you that there is something closer to the heart of every feaster. That would be the stuffing, that delicious combination of bread, garlic, onion, and other seasonings that find their way into the bird to be slowly cooked to perfection. National Stuffing Day doesn’t forget that it’s no holiday spread at all if there isn’t a steaming bowl of stuffing waiting.

History of National Stuffing Day

National Stuffing Day got its start with the advent of the first stuffing when a genius of a cook first took a combination of rich earthy herbs and combined them with onions, garlic, and bread to produce an incredible substance that would bear all the flavors of the turkey as well as those all its own. While stuffing isn’t merely a holiday thing, it is most well known for gracing the table with an air of distinction as large and important as that of the mashed potatoes.

Stuffing comes in multiple varieties with some different seasonings to give each its character. While sage tends to play largely in all of them, there are other ingredients that characterize each type. There isn’t much you can’t add to stuffing that won’t make it equally amazing, and chunks of apple are a common addition to bring a sweetness both to the stuffing itself and the meat it is cooked in or around.

Stuffing is such an amazing substance that it is frequently enjoyed all on its own, and National Stuffing Day encourages you to try a variety of different seasonings to find out which one is your favorite.

How to celebrate National Stuffing Day

In our mind, the best way to celebrate stuffing day is to spend the whole day doing new and innovative things with stuffing! While it isn’t something most would think of, there’s nothing better than a turkey sandwich topped with stuffing and cranberry. Of course, you could also stuff pork chops, or mushrooms, or just about anything you can imagine and cook it thoroughly. When preparing stuffing properly there is one thing to be careful of, and that’s to cook the meat thoroughly to ensure that the stuffing is safe to consume as well. National Stuffing Day is a wonderful day and one that celebrates the dish itself.
