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Days Of The Year

National Shoe the World Day (March 15th)



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Every day, more than 600 million people worldwide, both children and adults, struggle because they do not have the resources to get proper shoes. When this happens, all sorts of barriers are created that can inhibit individuals from moving forward into the future. When people have shoes that fit, they are able to walk more comfortably to work or school, avoid injury and infections, visit establishments that have rules about wearing shoes, and so much more! 

While shoes might feel like something very simple, not having them can be a huge detriment in many people’s daily lives. National Shoe the World Day works to promote awareness and gather people together in an effort to collaborate for meeting this need that can open up tons of other opportunities for people around the world.

History of National Shoe the World Day

National Shoe the World Day was established in 2014 when Donald Zsemonadi inspired the foundation of the day through a group called the United Indigenous People, located in Fontana, California. The idea for the day was to create awareness about many people’s need for shoes, and to lower certain barriers that can arise because people do not have appropriate footwear.

Today, National Shoe the World Day is celebrated in various ways throughout the world, providing resources to those in need and collecting unused footwear that might otherwise end up in a landfill. It’s a win-win situation!

How to Celebrate National Shoe the World Day

It’s great when tangible opportunities for getting involved with helping the community can be associated with a day for celebrating! Check out some of these ideas for getting involved with National Shoe the World Day:

Donate Some Shoes

Many people living in the western world have several extra pairs of perfectly good, gently used shoes that they don’t really need or never wear anymore. Perhaps they are a little small or maybe they have just gone out of style. But someone else might really benefit from having them. National Shoe the World Day is the ideal time to take a hard look at that closet or shoe rack, dig into the back, and donate those shoes that aren’t needed or wanted anymore. Then, they can either be given directly to someone who needs them, or provided to a family who will use them to start a small Business in their local area.

Help with a Shoe Drive

One great way to get involved with National Shoe the World Day is to play an active part in a shoe drive. If there is already one that takes place in the local community, contact the leaders and find out what kind of volunteer help or promotional support they might need. Then, get involved with collecting, sorting, cleaning and distributing shoes for those who need them.

Those who are looking for a larger sponsorship opportunity for a shoe drive might consider Soles4Souls. Financial donations can also be made to this charity in honor of the day. 
