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Memorable moment: This 6-year-old girl had to say goodbye to her loyal friend Jaden. accompany him in his final moments.




They say that dogs are man’s best friend, and additionally, this little girl, who is only 6 years old, had to bid farewell to her faithful friend. Right here, you might even see Lynn next to him, mendaciously on her blanket next to Jaden, accompanying him in his final moments.

When Lynn’s mother became pregnant, she worried that her dog, Jade, would reject or react badly to her, and she was also jealous of the arrival of the new family member. But to her surprise, the opposite happened, he and baby Lynn have built a very close relationship.

Jaden was lovely and undoubtedly kind to her, letting her do whatever she wanted: mount it on him, put apparatus, regardless of it. Little by little, they created a very strong bond of friendship and additionally many memories.

They have been regularly together, even when Lynn was skateboarding or cycling, Jaden was there with her. And if they have been home, Lynn would spend hours and hours with him, searching for his garments to match or drawing the two together.

“I wanted to record Jaden and Lynn together because Jaden was too old, and I didn’t recognize how extended he would live,” says Jeffrey, Lynn’s father.

That’s how they were taking better and extra photos of all their recollections together, moments that may regularly continue to be in Lynn’s memory.

At 13, Jaden was undoubtedly deaf and nearly completely blind, slightly capable of walking. After a visit to the vet, Jeffrey was left with no other choice, and they had to put Jaden to sleep forever.


Jaden passed away at home, surrounded by his beloved ones, especially Lynn, who had just turned six the following day. “We have been very sad to see him pass, and we miss him so much. But that’s the way life is, and unfortunately, we lose the people we love. It was important that Lynn understood that and had the opportunity to say goodbye,” said Jeffrey.

Here’s the rewritten version: Jaden passed away in the company of his loved ones at home, particularly Lynn, who had recently celebrated her sixth birthday. Jeffrey expressed deep sadness over Jaden’s passing, and their family feels a profound sense of loss. However, they understand that losing loved ones is an inevitable part of life. It was crucial for Lynn to comprehend this reality and have the chance to bid a proper farewell.

“Lynn was initially very saddened by the loss, but now there don’t seem to be any tears, and she speaks about him with precise recollections. We hope that’s how she usually recalls it.”
