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Days Of The Year

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day (February 23rd)



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Every dog has its day – and this is it! International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day causes dogs of every kind to wag their tails with glee when their owners serve up unusual or home-made doggy snacks to mark the occasion. Every canine in the world knows the best way to celebrate this important day!

Today, dog biscuits are often used in training and as rewards in the show ring. There are even special types of biscuits which clean dogs’ teeth – so giving that best friend a treat can help to keep him healthy and happy in celebration of International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day!

History of International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

When dog treats got started, they were basically comprised of old food that the humans simply didn’t want. Moldy bread, bones from some meat or other scraps. It wasn’t until the 19th century that treats made just for dogs became a thing.

The first dog biscuits were developed in the mid-19th century by an American manufacturer named James Spratt. He came up with the idea after he visited Liverpool in England, where he observed stray dogs hungrily digging into the biscuits on ships. The first Spratts biscuits were produced in London, with a secret recipe including both meat and vegetables.

Then, in the early 20th century, dog biscuits took on the shape of little dog bones when the Milk-Bone dog biscuit company patented their treats in New York. And, of course, the more recent trend of gourmet bakeries just for dogs has taken things even further!

How to Celebrate International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Get on board and have so much fun in honor of International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day! Try out a few fun and exciting ideas for celebrating the day, including some of these:

Buy Your Pup Some Dog Biscuits

Clearly, the first order of Business when it comes to celebrating International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day is to invest in some delicious and nutritious treats that can be shared with the family Pet. Perhaps it’s just a box or bag of his favorite brand of treats that comes from the grocery store or Pet store. Or maybe it’s a gourmet version that can be found in a local dog bakery or online.

Make Your Own Dog Biscuits

Tons of recipes can be found online for making fresh, homemade, nutritious dog biscuits. In celebration of International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, get out that apron and get to work baking biscuits. You can even cut them out into fun little shapes with cute cookie cutters! Feel good about the treats Rover is getting by making them at home.

Take Your Pup for a Little Doggy Date

Spending some time with your canine companion is a lovely way to spend International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day! Grab the pup and take him to the dog park to enjoy some companionship with some other puppies. And of course, don’t forget to bring the little dog treats.

Even better, take the pup out on a walk to a local dog biscuit bakery and let them choose the kind of treat that they want for themselves. What a great way to show your dog how much they are appreciated and loved.

Make a Donation of Dog Biscuits

One way to celebrate International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, even if you aren’t a dog owner, is to make a donation of dog biscuits to a local animal shelter. These shelters often work on a non-profit basis and have very tight budgets. Even though they would certainly love to offer some extra special treats for their pups in honor of the day, they may not have it in their financial means to do so. Making a donation of a few bags or boxes of dog biscuits or treats would be the perfect way to feel good about sharing with a pup in need in honor of the day!
