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Celtic Fans Should be Immensely Proud of Alistair Johnston’s Social Media Intervention




As a Celtic supporter and Football fan, I couldn’t be prouder of Alistair Johnston for his articulate response to a vile, racially charged comment on social media.

The comment compared images of the predominantly white Canadian team from 2000 with the current diverse team, stating: “Canadian Football team in 2000 vs. 2024. So tragic. Few countries are undergoing population replacement as rapidly as Canada.” Johnston’s rebuttal was not only necessary but a powerful stand against a destructive and divisive narrative pedalled by some of the worst voices online.

Johnston, who represents both Celtic and the Canadian national team with distinction, hit back with an eloquence that we should all admire:

In these few lines, which have been viewed over 4m times , Johnston encapsulated a profound truth: the colour of your skin should never be the issue, but the content of your character. This simple yet powerful sentiment is often lost in the cacophony of online vitriol. Johnston’s words serve as a reminder of what truly matters, especially in a diverse and multicultural society we should all be proud of.

Football has always been more than just a Game; it’s a platform where societal values are reflected and sometimes challenged. Athletes like Johnston are in a unique position to iNFLuence public discourse and promote positive change.

20th April 2024; Hampden Park, Glasgow, Scotland: Scottish Cup Football Semi Final, Aberdeen versus Celtic; Alistair Johnston of Celtic on the ball

The overwhelming support Johnston has received from fans and the broader football community is heartening. It’s a clear indication that most people reject the toxic narratives that seek to divide us. Instead, they embrace the idea that diversity enriches our teams, our communities, and our nations.

Johnston’s response goes beyond addressing a single ignorant comment. It is a broader statement about the kind of world most of us want to live in—one where people are judged by their actions and character, not by their race or ethnicity. This vision is especially pertinent in today’s social climate, where the rise of xenophobia and racism can sometimes feel overwhelming.

As a Celtic fan, I am immensely proud that one of our own has taken such a principled stand. Johnston’s actions reflect the values of our club and our sport, which thrive on unity, respect, and diversity.
