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Abused purple kitten makes amazing recovery – and a new best friend




What a resilient cat! The ‘smurf kitten’ was dyed purple and it was suspected he was used as a chew toy for a dog. Now, he looks happy and healthy

When an abused, terrifed shivering kitten, who was dyed purple and abandoned on the side of a road was rescued, it was doubtful whether he would survive.

The kitten has now had two months of recovery – and has grown into a rather handsome cat.

Although he was dyed purple – and it was suspected he was allowed to be mauled by a dog – his silvery fur has all but grown back.

Some purple still remains, but he looks otherwise happy and healthy.

The cat was called ‘Smurf’ because someone cruelly dyed him purple.

Smurf rose to Internet fame after an animal rescue organization, 9 Lives Foundation, shared heartbreaking pictures on Facebook.

The poor cat had been found in a box with a 105 degree temperature and would go on to need surgery, stitches and a slew of antibiotics to cure infections.

“I can only imagine why someone would dye him purple,” explained Monica Rudiger, founder of the no kill, non-profit organisation.

“I think there are people who find it amusing to take small, innocent Animals and use them as play toys.

She told The Dodo she suspected Smurf suffered abuse and the website suggests the kitten may have been used as live bait for dogs being trained to fight.

“I don’t know what happened to him, but my guess is that he was used as a chew toy. We have a cat with multiple puncture wounds and abrasions,” she said.

“He can’t tell us what happened to him but I’ve seen this before. I’ve seen kittens be used as bait and chew toys. It makes sense to me.”

This heartbreaking story has a happy ending – thanks to expert treatment, the kitten was healed.

He became friends with another abused cat, blind Wanda.

According to 9 Lives’ Facebook page, the two recovered together.

The picture above is of them a few months ago.

Now, they have recovered, and both look happy and healthy.

Here is what they look like now:

Look how glossy their fur is, and how happy they are!

It really shows what care and attention can do.

Smurf and Wanda have now been adopted. Their owner saw how popular they were online, and has kindly set up a Facebook page, called Smurf and Wanda, so fans of the kittens can keep up-to-date on their adventures.
