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21 Hysterical Reasons Why Dogs Would Call 911, If A Helpline Existed For Doggos



21 Hysterical Reasons Why Dogs Would Call 911, If A Helpline Existed For Doggos

When there is an emergency, we can dial 911 to receive assistance. Dogs obviously lack a service such a Dog 911 and must instead rely on their owners in case of emergency. Twitter user Reverend Scott tried to envision a future in which there was a Dog 911 and what questions dogs would put to it in an emergency. The numerous scenarios are amusing, as is obvious. Here are some of our favorites; to view more, visit Reverend Scott’s Twitter.

#2 Why is he trying to take it out of my mouth?

#3 Would your dog do it too?

#4 I want chocolate

#5 Peamub bubber energy

#6 Barking does not work always

#7 Still on it

#8 Why won’t he drop it?

#9 Such a crime

#10 Hilarious

#11 Could you relate?

#12 I don’t like the human talking

#13 Loves to mark territories

#14 Furry things

#15 Sucky nose

#16 OMG

#17 Hate walks

#18 Loved those stinky clothes

#19 Doggypaddle

#20 Poor cat

#21 What if?

#22 Dog tax
