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Kwame Brown Explains Why LeBron James Isn’t A Superstar




Kwame Brown is one of the most polarizing NBA players of all time.

While debates rage whether he was a terrible pro because Michael Jordan mentally broke him or because he simply wasn’t good, the fact remains that he is considered one of the biggest busts in league History.

Despite that, in recent years, Brown has gotten very outspoken.

This week Brown offered some interesting thoughts on why LeBron James isn’t actually a superstar.

“The old-school players wouldn’t have any trouble with LeBron because, at 39, he should have developed a mid-range and a post game, and he still hasn’t yet…

“His game really hasn’t evolved outside of a three and putting his head down and going to the basket. He doesn’t go like Paul Pierce, getting to a spot, pulling up. Those are the things you normally see out of a superstar player.”

Will James opt to respond to or address Brown’s criticism of him? Time will tell.
